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但我怎么会知道wassup是是什么意思? 初中英语课上只学过”hi, how are you?”, 回答”I’m fine, thank you, and you”这种基本的英语问候套路。正常英语是母语的人根本不按这套路说。what’s poppin, sup bro, 或者一个yo都是美国人最常用的问候语,但这对初来美国不会说英文的我是非常大的烦恼。我并不知道他们在说什么,光点头说哈罗, 装作自己英文很好,让我显得非常的尴尬。后来遇到一些非常友善的美国朋友,才胆怯的小心翼翼的问他们what’s up,生怕是丢了我自己的脸。

我感觉还是我小时候没看对电影。如果我当时不是和我爸看那些作案杀人杀僵尸的美国大片,而是看high school musical,那一定会让初来美国的我轻松很多。


Things I’ve Learned after Coming to America


My father is a movie buff. Growing up, I would often watch Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and other Western movies with him, and they taught me all about American life and customs. I would have never imagined myself to live a life of hamburger, fries, sandwiches, grilled steaks, iced water, and coffee. But in the Spring of my fourteen-year old life, I received my admission letter from Indian Springs and immediately knew that my life as I knew it was about to be turned upside down. I was undeniably excited, but the strange idea of going to a completely new world made me very nervous too.

From the moment my American Airlines flight landed in Fort Worth International airport, I found myself asking the same question over and over again. Why? 

Why do they applaud after the plane lands?

Why are their McDonald’s drink cups so big?


This is my fourth year living in America. I was decent at balancing school, and my love for music and sports allowed me to meet local friends who I knew were worthy of keeping for a lifetime. When I first came to America, the cultural differences and language barriers were difficult to handle, but I am undeniably thankful that I stuck through it. At the end of the day, what let me truly integrate into American culture was not my insistence on talking to locals in English every day or my arguably cheerful personality. Rather, it was those kind and understanding American friends who helped me along the way, without which I would not have been able to become the person I am–or write this article that you are reading–today. 

One thing that struck me was the enthusiasm of Americans. The United States is a country that encourages extraversion. Because first impressions are important, Americans are incredibly friendly in the streets. This is completely different from China, in which the Confucian culture of East Asians emphasizes a sense of collectiveness, of listening to the opinions of the others and maintaining a reserved composure. With the further stressor of having to “save face,” Chinese people also tend to keep to themselves.

American greetings are simple but are the essence of American society. I would even consider them an art. When I first arrived, I was uncomfortable with the forwardness of strangers who took the initiative to greet you. Back home, strangers like these were usually members of real-estate companies or fitness coaches looking for targets. But I knew the universal signals of hello–nodding, waving, and well, “hello”. With that, I nodded and waved and mouthed hello through all these greetings.

But I was never taught “wassup” in Junior High English. I learned “hi,” how are you,” and to answer with “I’m fine, thank you, and you” in the simplest greeting routine, but native speakers don’t follow this pattern at all. “What’s popping,” “‘sup bro,” or “a-yo” are such common greetings in America that it was a big annoyance to me when I first came here. I didn’t know what Americans were talking about, and simply nodding and saying “hello,” pretending I speak fluent English, made me unbelievably embarrassed. Later, after I’d met some friendly locals, I timidly said, “what’s up” to greet them, for fear of losing face.

I feel as though I didn’t watch the right movies growing up. Maybe if I wasn’t watching American blockbuster’s with crime and zombies but instead High School Musical, my transition to the United States might have been easier.

America has a unique and interesting culture. I have accepted many of these quirks, but there are also some parts that I still cannot completely understand. This article is titled “Things I’ve Learned after Coming to America,” and I hope to record my own culture shocks when I first came. It’s embarrassing to recall these moments now, but I also believe that there is satisfaction in growth. This will be a series, and I hope to publish an article every month covering various cultural differences. 

Translation by Carina Lim ‘21