January/February Letter From the Editor

Welcome to (the second month of) 2023!  

2023. The year I’ve heard about since I first stepped into my kindergarten classroom. It’s so surreal to me that the year I graduate high school, go to college, and live on my own (well, at least live in an unfamiliar place with strangers) for the first time is actually here. I am, like I imagine many of the seniors are, simultaneously ecstatic and terrified. 

Even if you are not a senior, I would imagine feeling a similar apprehensive excitement about starting the next year of high school in 2023. I know I felt that way in eighth grade about starting my first year of high school, in ninth about taking my first AP class, in tenth about beginning the dreaded “hardest year of high school”, and in eleventh about navigating the college admissions process. While all transitions brought challenges, none were as scary as I originally imagined, and they are probably not as scary as you might imagine. 

I know what you might be thinking. “Rosa, it’s already February, not early January. Why are you talking about the new year now?”. Well, seeing as this is the first issue of 2023, and therefore the new year for The Woodward Post, it still seems fitting to talk about the year to come. Read more about the New Year, particularly New Year’s resolutions, in Catherine’s and Alexandra’s articles. :)

I hope you have an amazing February! Now please go enjoy our wide selection of articles from this issue. 

With Love, 

Rosa Sabel

Jeremy Kalfus