ChatGPT and GPTZero

Launched in late November, ChatGPT has swiftly garnered widespread attention on the internet. However, as its usage has surged, ethical concerns regarding students using ChatGPT have raised issues of plagiarism. Plagiarism is a pernicious breach of academic integrity, constituting a reprehensible offense against the foundational tenets of high schools and universities. It represents a profound betrayal of trust and a malignancy that corrodes the very essence of educational institutions. By relying on ChatGPT to complete their assignments, students risk becoming overly dependent on this technology, thereby abandoning the cultivation of their own critical thinking skills and neglecting the pursuit of authentic learning experiences. As such, the proliferation of ChatGPT has sparked widespread concern among educators who fear that its viral trend may encourage a culture of deceit and erode the foundations of academic honesty.

In response to these concerns, a computer science student named Edward Tian, currently studying at Princeton University, devised a tool to identify the misapplication of this technology. This tool can be seen as a lifesaver for teachers but a nightmare for some students. On January 3rd, he unveiled GPT-Zero on Twitter, which has since garnered seven million views and 300,000 users. Through GPT-Zero, Edward is promoting technological advancement and positive growth for the country.

While some may criticize ChatGPT for causing problems in academia, it would be unjust to overlook the technology has positively impacted society. In my opinion, ChatGPT is a valuable tool that has simplified and improved life for many individuals. Since I began using ChatGPT, I have felt like I have a personal assistant available 24/7 to assist me with many tasks. The best aspect is that it is effective and completely free of charge. 

ChatGPT possesses an extraordinary range of capabilities. It can generate poetry, engage in philosophical contemplation, compose novels, and even write code. However, its exceptional abilities have also aroused concerns among individuals who fear that it could supplant numerous occupations, eventually replace powerful corporations such as Google and Bing, and even lead to job loss. The concern is not entirely unfounded. Optimistic thinking, however, suggests that the innovation of OpenAI is a breakthrough for humanity and has the potential to enhance the world. OpenAI can replace tedious and repetitive jobs, enabling the world to function more efficiently. Additionally, to enrich its knowledge base, ChatGPT hires numerous workers to input data into the chatbox, improving the complexity of its database and creating new job opportunities.

The reality is that ChatGPT is not merely a tool that scours online sources and strings together information. Instead, it employs preexisting knowledge to draw inferences about novel scenarios from a single instance, much like a human being. This is what sets ChatGPT apart and renders it so powerful.

The true potential of ChatGPT resides in its cutting-edge algorithm and commanding computing power, enabling it to be continuously trained and enhanced. It can think autonomously and even rectify its own bugs, a remarkable achievement in the realm of artificial intelligence. In fact, ChatGPT has been able to train itself swiftly and effectively, surpassing the capabilities of most human beings.

While ChatGPT has the potential to undermine traditional search engines and other online platforms, it also has the potential to optimize our travel plans by providing the cheapest hotel and transportation options. It can even assist us in planning our itinerary.  Essentially, ChatGPT functions as a personal travel agent that we can access at any time.

It can be anticipated that future monotonous jobs will be effortlessly supplanted by AI. Nevertheless, for those in creative positions, such workers and jobs will become more valuable over time.

Jeremy Kalfus