The Woodward Post

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Letters to the Editor May

Please take me out to eat, Clara. Even if it's gas station Indian food. I’m willing to risk gastrointestinal distress for freedom–it means that much to me. 

First of all, beautifully written. Thank you, Eleanor, for a literary masterpiece. In the same vein of things I weirdly miss: having to compete for food everytime it was left in the commons. You’re right– where’s the adrenaline? Where’s the fun? Where’s the competitive food claiming? 

Dang, I felt that a lot. Senior year just seems super daunting every time I think about it, but you are right about there being some upsides to everything that’s going on. Personally, I’m just going through the motions and working on taking it a day at the time. Let’s end this year off strong, and hope for a stronger start after Summer!

Sushi does sound really good right now… as does grandma’s cooking (Note: have unfortunately never had your grandma’s cooking, but feel free to mail some samples to me. I can always reheat them in the microwave.)